Hadees in English

Zikr of Allah 
Abu Darda  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “Should I not tell you of such a thinga which are the best and purest deeds in the court of your Lord, high in ranks (darajat), better for you then spending gold and silver (in Allah’s path), and better than slaying the neck of the enemy during war? The Sahaba said, “Yes, Oh Rasool Allah!  .” He  said, “It is Zikr of Allah.” (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “Any gathering in which people sit and do not do Zikr of Allah and do not send Durood upon their Prophet is of loss for them. If Allah wills, give them azab (punishment) and if wills, forgive them.” (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “Allah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala says when a person moves his lips for Zikr of Allah, I am with him. “ (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “Allah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala says I am closer to my slave than his supposition of which he keeps of me. And when he/her does Zikr of Allah, I am with him/her. If he does Zikr in his heart, I do his Zikr near MY proximity (closeness) and if he does Zikr in a gathering, I mention him in a gathering Afdhal (better) than it. (Bukhari)
Abu Musa Ash'ari  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “He/She who does Zikr of Allah and he/she who doesn’t, their example is of like an alive and a dead. (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira  said that Rasool Allah  said, “The angels look for those who do Zikr of Allah on the paths. When they find those who are doing Zikr of Allah then they call each other, “Come, your desired has been found.” Then those angels cover those are doing Zikr of Allah up to the skies of this world with their wings. And Allah Rabbul Izzat says about them to those angels “What are my slave doing?” Though Allah knows more than those angels. The angels say, “Those people are doing your Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, and Tamjeed.” Rab Ta’ala says, “Have they seen me?” The angels say, “We swear by your pure Entity, they have not seen you.” Rab Ta’ala says to them, “If they had seen me then what would be their state?” The angels say, “If they could’ve seen you then they would do your Tamjeed and your Tasbeeh even more." 
Rab Ta’ala says, “What slaves are asking from me?” The angels say, “They are asking for Jannat from you.” Rab Ta’ala says, “Have they seen Jannat?” The angels say, “We swear by Your Pure Entity, they have not seen Jannat.” Rab Ta’ala says, “If they had seen Jannat then what would be their state?” The angels say, “If these people had seen jannat then their greed, desire, and inclination for it would increase. Rab Ta’ala says, “What else are they doing?” The angels say, “They are seeking refuge.” Rab Ta’ala says, “From what are they seeking refuge?” The angels say, “They are seeking refuge from Hell.” Rab Ta’ala says, “Have they seen Hell?” The angels say, “Oh Rab, we swear by Your Pure Entity, they have not seen it.” Rab Ta’ala, “If they had seen it then what would be their state?” The angels say, “If they had seen it then they would run even further away from it and fear it even more. 
Rab Ta’ala says, “angels, Be witnesses that I have forgiven them.” An angel says, “There is one person amongst them who is not part of those who do Zikr, he is there for some necessity of his/her.” Rab Ta’ala says, “These are such people that even those sitting among them are not deprived.” (Bukhari)
Anas  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “When you pass by gardens of paradise, eat fruits of them. The Sahaba said, “What are the gardens of Paradise?” He said, “The gatherings of Zikr.” (Tirmizi) 
Abu Huraira  narrated Abu Saeed Khudri  said that Rasool Allah said, “Whenever a Jama'at (a group of people) sits for Zikr of Allah, the angels surround it. Blessing covers that Jama'at. And peace and calm descends on them. And Allah mentions them to the angels present in HIS court. (Muslim)
Ameer Muaviah narrated that the Rasool Allah  passed by a Jama'at and asked them, “Why have you gathered here?” Some people of the Jammat replied, “We have gathered here for the Zikr and Hamd of Allah because by guiding us towards Islam He did favor on us. Rasool Allah  said, “By Allah, have you gathered only for this (purpose)?” They said, “By Allah, we have gathered here only for such purpose. Rasool Allah  said, “I did not give you oath because of any imputation (doubt) rather it is because Jibraeel came to me and told me that Allah Azzawajal boasts of you in the gathering of the angels. (Muslim)
Abdullah Bin Abbas  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “The Shaitan sticks to the heart of the child of Adam. When he does Zikr of Allah, he (the Shaitan) runs away from him. And when the child of Adam becomes careless from the Zikr of Allah, the Shaitan begins to put was-wasah (evil suggestions) into his heart. (Bukhari)
Abdullah Bin Umar  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “Don’t have a conversation [without] Zikr of Allah. Because talking too much without Zikr of Allah is the reason for the heart’s hardness and wretchedness. And that person becomes distant from Allah in whose heart there is wretchedness. (Tirmizi)
Abudullah Bin Bisr  narrated that one person asked, “Ya Rasool Allah!  There are many commands on me of Islam. Tell me of such a thing which I may hold on to steadfast. Rasool Allah  replied, “Always keep your tongue wet from Zikr of Allah.” (Tirmizi)
Abdullah Bin Bisr  narrated that a villager came to the Holy Court of Rasool Allah  and asked, “Which man is the best?” Rasool Allah  said, “It is the luck and good-fortune of that person whose life is long and his deeds are good.” He asked, “Ya Rasool Allah!  Which deed is the best?” Rasool Allah  said, “Your tongue be wet from Zikr of Allah when you part from this world. (Tirmizi)
Muaaz bin Jabal  narrated that Rasool Allah  said, “The people of Jannat will only regret that moment which had been empty of Zikr of Allah.” (Beheqi)

Etiquette of Eating Aisha Siddiqa (Radi Allahu anha) narrates that the Prophet of Allah  said, "Whenever one eats then he should say the name of Allah (say ) and if he forgets to say Bismillah in the beginning then he should say, "" (Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, and Hakim)
Wahshi Bin Harb (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Prophet of Allah said, "Eat together and read , in this, there is blessing for you." (Masnad Imam-e-Ahmad, Sunan-e-Abi Dawood, Ibne Majah)
Jabir Bin Abdullah (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Prophet of Allah  said, "Whenever someone enters the house and at the time of entering and eating recites , the Shaitan says to his offspring that "you will not be able to live or eat in this home", and if at the time of entrance one doesn't read then he [the devil] says "that you have found a place to live" and if someone doesn't read  at the time of eating then he says "you found a place to live and you have found food." (Sahih Muslim)
Amr Bin Abi Salma (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that I was child in the care of the Prophet of Allah . While eating I would put my mouth on every side of the dish. Rasul-Allah  said, "After reading , eat from the right side and eat from that side of the dish which is nearer to you. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Jabir Bin Abdullah and Asma (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrate that Rasul-Allah said, "Cool your meal because there is no blessing in hot food. (Rawahul-Hakim and Abu Dawood)
Abu Saeed Khizri (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Prophet of Allah used to recite  after eating food. (Tirmizi)
Aqba Bin Amir (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates Rasul-Allah  said, "That meal which  has not been read on is illness and there is no blessing in it. The compensation for it is that if the table cloth has not been picked up then read  and eat something and if the table cloth has been picked up then read  and a lick the fingers. (Ibn Asakar)
Ans Bin Malik (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that Rasul-Allah  said, "Whenever you eat or drink, read this, then you will not get any illness even if it has poison: (Rawahul Daylmee)
Abdullah Bin Umar (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that Rasul-Allah said, "When one eats then he should eat with the right hand and when one drinks then he should drink with the right hand. (Bukhari & Muslim)
Ka'ab Bin Malik (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates Rasul-Allah  would eat with three fingers and before wiping would lick them with the tongue. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Jabir bin Abdullah (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that Rasul-Allah said, "Lick the fingers and the dish. You don't know which part of meal has blessings." (Sahih Muslim) 
Nobelsha (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates from Rasul-Allah  said, "Whoever, after eating will lick the dish, that dish will do Istighfar for him. (Tirmizi and Musnad-e-Imam Ahmad)
Abdullah Bin Abbas (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates the Prophet of Allah said, "Do not blow from your mouth into food and water." (Rawahe Tibrani)
Aisha Siddiqa (Radi Allahu anha) narrates that Rasul-Allah  entered the house and saw some fallen bread. He picked it up, wiped it, and ate it. Afterwards He said, "Aisha, respect good things. When this thing (bread) runs away from a nation it doesn't return." (Ibn-e-Majah)
Abdullah Bin Umme Haraam (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that Rasul-Allah said, "Respect bread. It is from the blessings of the skies and earth. Whoever eats fallen bread from the table cloth for him there is Maghfirah [salvation]. (Rawahe Tibrani)
Aisha Siddiqa (Radi Allahu anha) narrates that Rasul-Allah  said,"Do not get up from From food (DastarKhawan-Mat) until Food has been picked up" (Ibn-e-Majah)
Abudllah Bin Umar (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that Rasul-Allah said, "When the table cloth is chosen, no one should stand until the table cloth is picked up and he should not take away his hand from the food until all have finished eating. If he his going to stop his hands from the food, he should excuse himself because without excusing (oneself) to stopping the hands will embarrass the other person sitting on the table cloth and he too will pull his hands from the food and it's possible that he might still necessitate food. 
Ans Bin Malik (Radi Allahu anhuma) narrates that Rasul-Allah  said, "Whoever wants that Allah Ta'ala increase blessings and goodness in his home then he should do wudu when the food is presented in front of him and do wudu when it is picked i.e., wash the hands and the mouth. (Ibn-e-Maajah)
Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that the Rasul-Allah  said, "If there is the smell of grease on one's hand and he sleeps without washing the hands and some problem reaches him then he should blame himself. (Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, and Ibn-e-Maajah)
Abu Abs Bin Jabr (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates that Rasul-Allah  said, "Take off the shoes while eating because this is the better way." (Rawahul Hakim)
Abu Jahefa (Radi Allahu anhu) narrates from Rasul-Allah  said, "I don't eat while (resting) on a pillow. (Bukhari)

Benefits of Duaa
Numan bin Basheer  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa is ibadat." Then He  read this ayat . (Tirmizi, Abu Dawod, and Ibn-e-Majah)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "In the court of Allah, there is no greater thing than duaa" (Ibn-e-Majah)
Abdullah bin Umar  narrates from Rasool-Allah  ," Among whatever has been descended and whatever has not been descended Duaa is beneficial of all. Oh people of Allah! Assume Duaa a must for yourselves. (Tirmizi)
Abdullah bin Umar  from Rasool-Allah , "For whoever the door of duaa opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened. Whatever duaa is asked from Allah the best duaa is for well-being and safety among them." (Tirmizi)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Allah is extremely displeased with the person who doesn't do duaa to Allah". (Tirmizi)
Salman  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Your Rab is modest and kind. A person raise his hands in HIS court and HE leave them empty, Allah shies from it." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)
Jabir  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Whoever does duaa to Allah, Allah fulfills his seeking or in exchange averts misfortune until the duaa is not related to sin or breaking some relation." (Tirmizi)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Do duaa to Allah with this confidence that HE will accept it and know this well that Allah doesn't accept the duaa done with a negligent and careless heart. (Tirmizi)
Salman Farsi  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa turns away destiny and good deeds lengthen age. (Tirmizi)
Umar  narrates that, "Whenever Rasool-Allah  raised his hands for duaa He  did not put down them down until HE  took both hands over his face." (Tirmizi)
Aisha (Radi Allahu Anha) narrates that, "Rasool-Allah  liked duaas that were inclusive and he left the rest." (Abu Dawood)
Abdullah bin Umar  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Duaa for a person not present is accepted quickly by Allah." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Three duaas are such in which there is no doubt of their acceptance: 1) Father's duaa 2) Traveler's duaa 3) Duaa of the oppressed". (Timizi, Ibne Majah)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Three types of people's duaas are not rejected: 1) At the time of iftar the person who has fasted 2) Adil ruler's duaa 3) The duaa of the oppressed. Allah raises the duaa of the oppressed on the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah says, "Oath of MY Majesty and Honour! I will help and aid you. Even though if the help is after few days." (Tirmizi)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "When anyone of you does duaa then don't say "Oh Allah! Forgive me if you want", "Have mercy on me if you want", "Give me subsistence if you wish" rather believe completely that HE will do whatever HE wishes. Nobody can force HIM." (Bukhari)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Allah excepts the duaa of a person till the duaa is not related to sin or breaking of some relation and until he does not haste in that duaa. The people (May Allah be happy with them) asked, "Oh Rasool-Allah!  What is meant by haste?" He  replied, "That the person say "I did duaa again and again but my duaa wasn't accepted and afterwards he becomes hopeless and leaves the duaa. This is called haste." (Muslim)
Jabir  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Don't do Bad-duaa [against] yourself, your wealth, or for your children. May it be the moment of acceptance in the court of Allah and your Bad-duaa be accepted. (Muslim)
Boraidah  narrates that Rasool-Allah  heard a man performing duaa like so *1, so He  said, "He [the man] has performed duaa with the Ism-e-Azam and when Allah is asked through the Ism-e-Azam, Allah grants and when duaa is performed with it HE accepts it." (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)
Asma binte Yazeed (Radi Allahu Anha) narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Ism-e-Azam is in these two ayahs  and in the beginning of Ale-Imran . " (Tirmizi and Abu Dawood)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Saying  is dearer to me than this world and all that is in it." (Mislim)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Whoever said  hundred times in one day his sins are erased even if they are equal to the foam of the sea." (Muslim and Bukhari)
Abu Hurairah  narrates from Rasool-Allah , "Every Prophet had a special duaa which is accepted in the court of Allah. All Prophets were in quick in their duaas. On the day of Judgment, for the intercession of my Ummah, I have saved my duaa. My duaa will reach to every person in my ummah, who did not make any partners with Allah. (Muslim)